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Labeling Day

They say Rome wasn't built in a day. Well, that is because my Gram wasn't in charge.

The main reason for e & e is to spend time with my grandma and learn her recipes. The biggest challenge has been keeping up with her! I came over the other day to work on peach preserves and she had nearly seventy jars put up. And I was proud of myself for getting to her house by 8 a.m...

She grew up on a farm during the Great Depression, she was the second oldest of ten children, and she went to work after the 8th grade. A great work ethic is instilled in her and I am sad to say it is a rare thing these days. If you haven't noticed that I look up to her, let me just state clearly that she is superwoman!!

Here they are! Our sweet jar getting labeled up ready to go home with you. Grandma says they look like old ladies with shower caps on.

We were very dissapointed to hear that our first farmer's market got cancelled in May. The horrible rain left the venue under several inches of water. That just gives us more time to prepare, cook, and plan. Save the date for June 27th at Wunderlich Farms for our debut!

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